Accomoteleia is a new company created with a lot of love and professionalism, offering you dreamy vacations in the privacy of a villa. It is the best choice for families or groups looking for relaxing holidays with a private pool near the sea. It is the solution for villa travelers!! Away from prying eyes and crowds. Our goal is to satisfy your needs so that the memories of these holidays accompany you until the next ones. We are dedicated to offering you the best we can. Private villas with pools are countless. Why choose to stay with us? Because our goal is not to provide you with excellent accommodation but to make you feel at home and comfortable. To feel the difference in the details. Yes, we pay attention to details that may be insignificant to some, but for us, they make a difference. Creating means being inspired. To be inspired by tastes, smells, sounds, images, and colors. Accomoteleia is a vibrant canvas that strives to combine an unforgettable stay with artistic touches.

Perfect and flawless. "Accomo" could be derived from "accommodation," suggesting a focus on providing excellent accommodations. "Teleia" is a Greek word meaning "perfect" or "flawless." So, "Accomoteleia" may be translated as "Perfect Accommodation," reflecting a commitment to providing flawless or exceptional lodging experiences. The inspiration for the company's logo, as mentioned, was the turtle. Did you know that the turtle is considered the oldest symbol of the structure of the universe and represents wisdom, determination, strength, creativity, consistency, organization, patience, and longevity? The primary principle of the turtle is "the quieter you go, the further you'll get." The meaning is found in the inner peace with which we create the necessary balance in our lives without rushing. Fast isn't always the best.
The turtle also symbolizes consistency, flexibility, and adaptability since it can exist both in water and on land. The hard work that a turtle does is always meticulously detailed. In many myths, it is said that the great turtle supports the entire universe with its shell. It is considered a symbol of longevity, immortality, femininity, and even the union of heaven and earth. For many cultures, the turtle plays a sacred role and is protected. Did you know that the turtle is also believed to bring good luck and positive energy? That's why we have a decorative turtle in every one of our homes for good luck and positive energy for those who stay with us. A turtle with the colors of the sky, the sea, the golden sands, and the golden sun, which, for us, offer tranquility, freedom, security, and serenity. And because we mentioned our artistic vein, the touches in the house are not just about the turtle; they are also inspired by the geode, a symbol of fertility and creativity.
From a young age, I worked at a small family-owned hotel that my parents managed, while my passion was always art. Along the way, I completed my studies in Sociology and worked in the public sector, suppressing my need for creativity. My artistic nature never allowed me to rest. Until the COVID period arrived. Locked at home, I ordered paints, canvases, and brushes online and started creating again, feeling very happy and content. That was the turning point. I quit my job and began taking painting lessons. At the same time, I traveled to many parts of the world and booked accommodations in various places. Unfortunately, many accommodations were misleading in their photos, and when you arrived, you realized that they had nothing to do with reality. Hotels had more amenities, but there was crowding, and you couldn't, for example, enjoy a moonlit night under the stars without many people around. It was also almost impossible to find sunbeds. So, I decided to combine art with accommodation.
I took villas near the sea for people who want to get to know and savor this enchanting island with its golden beaches, sun, delicious food, and incredible history. But these are not just buildings with amenities; it's that personal touch of the soul that I want those who stay here to feel, to feel at home and enjoy every minute, hoping that this experience will captivate them. Cyprus is a magical island hiding incredible beauty and natural wonders.